Silk Care Recommendations

Dry Cleaning   We recommend that you only dry clean these vintage pieces. It is the wisest course of action.

Dish of vinegar.  If a garment needs freshening or has an odor, place the garment in a confined area with an open dish of vinegar.  The vinegar particles in the air meet the "smell" particles in the air and neutralize them. 

Spot removal  We have had such bad results with stain removal that we have come to just live with spots as part of the vintage experience.  For fresh stains, it is important to take immediate attention.  Brush and blot the stained area between two absorbent materials quickly to prevent the stain from penetrating.  We recommend that you use a commercial spot remover especially designed for silk and "dry clean only" delicates.  No matter what cleaning liquid you select, restrict your efforts to the stain area, use blotting underneath, only use as much liquid as minimally necessary on a cotton swab and blot your work as you go in order to prevent a larger water ring.  We would love to hear from you and learn from your successes. 

Clothes Moths  Larvae of clothes moths feed on silk and wool, preferring clothes that have been worn which have human protein particles as well as the protein in the fabric.  Lavender and cedar are natural clothes moth repellants so store your silks with sachets of lavender or with cedar balls.  The female moth looks for dark places to lay her eggs and she is attracted to body odors as well as the smell of wool and silk.  Pheromone traps only attract male moths but are useful in reducing the odds that a female moth will have eggs to lay. 

Traditional Japanese Method of Washing   The  kimono was  disassembled, basted back into a long length of fabric, washed in a cold, running river, dried on a stretcher and then resewn back into the kimono.  The lining was washed and dried separately because it stretched and dried at a different rate.  Needless to say, this is no longer practical.  However, this tradition is the reason the Kiku jackets and robes were originally hand sewn and not machine sewn.

Couple spending quality while wearing kimono and traditional flowers